Saturday, January 31, 2009

CVS 1/31

I combined a few deals from this week with some new ones for next week. I love Saturday nights! I wanted my ECBs from the Almay and I wanted to use the Electrasol 2.50 coupons before they expire tomorrow.

Almay eye shadow 7.49
3 Electrasol Gel tabs 2.99 each
Butterfinger Valentines heart .50
3/15 CVS coupon
8.50 in MCs
.49 OOP (on gift card)
Received 5 ECBs for Almay, 3/15 coupon

If you have last weeks Walgreens and CVS ads, be sure to keep those prescription coupons! I used the CVS one at CVS this week to get my $25 gift card when I filled my prescription. My store accepts their own coupons, so I still have one more of those, plus my two Walgreens to use!

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